First Choice SMS Features

There are many SMS marketing platforms from which to choose, so why choose First Choice SMS? We believe that our platform provides you with the widest selection of marketing and management tools at a very low price. We are also dedicated to ensuring that you get the most value from your SMS platform by providing you with useful monthly newsletters that will give you ideas for successful and timely marketing campaigns. We also can assist you in implementing ways to build your opt-in SMS list, including integrations with your existing website. At First Choice SMS, we can also help you and other businesses in your area grow through social media.

Here are some of the features of the First Choice SMS platform.


Keyword Trigger Notification​

When a person opts in to a campaign by using a keyword, you can be notified via phone or email, and send out an automatic follow-up message. This can be a confirmation message, your business contact info,, or can include a link to either your website, app or social media page. ​

A/B Split Testing

Improve your response rate by creating more than one version of a marketing email text message, and then be able to measure which version had a better click through rate or other response rate. You can test a portion of your list blast with the two versions, then pause the send to allow for the rest of the messages to be sent with the higher-performing campaign message.​

Blacklisted Words

Blacklisted words that you want to prevent your users from sending. If a user tries to send or schedule a message that contains any of these blacklisted words you have added, it will prevent them from sending that message​


Voicemail Text Back​

Set a VM customized text back response. When someone calls and gets directed to VM, automatically send them a text message back from the same number they called. Never miss opportunities, capture new leads, book new appointments, or respond to anyone who has a question.​


Batch Processing

If you are sending out a new marketing text message to a keyword group (or segment), you can do this in one batch, instead of sending out each message individually. We provide you with the tools you need to create optimum batch sizes to ensure that your messages get delivered.​


Built-In Compliance

Stay compliant with all global SMS carrier regulations. From the various proper disclaimers to opt-in and opt-out subscriber management, you can feel safe knowing that you will stay compliant with all regulations, including the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act).​


Mobile Coupons

Create beautiful Mobile Coupons to send to your customers. They are a great way to build a loyal customer base while also rewarding your current customers. Each coupon is completely customizable and includes many settings and features allowing you flexibility with how you want to set them up.

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Unlimited Keywords

Keywords let you segment your users into different segments, based on their interest. Mobile keywords are an element of mobile marketing campaigns to appeal to a certain target market. You get access to unlimited keywords! People can sign up for your text marketing by texting in a keyword.​



After a person joins your subscriber list, you can automatically send them a custom message back, including a welcome message. You can also setup the autoresponders to automatically send out a series of messages after they subscribe on a preset schedule much like email autoresponders work​


Picture Messaging

MMS (sending pictures) brings the best of email and urgency of SMS to your customer communications. Share engaging images along with rich media on every mobile phone, with near-100% open rates and fast response times. This feature can make your messages look like a social media post!​


Message Templates

Save common or often used SMS messages so that you will not have to re-enter the same message repeatedly. Simply select which template to use and have it populate the message for you. This is a great time saver, and is a task that you can delegate to other team members once you have created them.​


QR Code Opt-Ins

QR codes bridge the gap between offline and online marketing. This means that instead of waiting on a user to go home, enter an URL and opt in to your list, they can do it from their phone just by scanning a code. They can also look up more information on a product or service, view landing pages and interact with your business.

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Sub Accounts

This feature lets you delegate to team members or employees work on specific modules within the platform and only give them access to these specific capabilities. A sub-account can basically access the parent account (with separate usernames and passwords), but with different permissions based on how a parent account sets it​


Recurring Messages

If your marketing model is to schedule a series of messages on a recurring basis, First Choice SMS provides you with this capability. You can repeat events daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly and the frequency of those scheduled events(every day, every 2nd day, every 5th day, once a week, every 2 weeks, etc…)​


Run Contests

Create SMS contests as a way to engage and reward your current customers while also using it as a great tool to grow your list. There’s nothing more important than keeping your customers happy and growing your list at the same time! Our platform lets you create free drawings and a “text to win” contest.​


Birthday Recognition

Easily collect your contacts’ birthdays when they subscribe to your list using our tools and recommended form. Then, on their birthday or even a certain amount of days before, our system will automatically send them your birthday text message. You can send an e-card, a discount offer, or a mobile coupon.

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Web Sign Up Form

We make it easy for you to get people to sign up to receive promotional offers via SMS using our opt-in widget. You can quickly create a signup form that can either be embedded in your site or open as a pop-up box. The form can even capture your customer’s birthday if you wish. For WordPress based sites, we will show you how to capture opt-ins using WP forms.

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Splash Page Builder

Use our built-in splash page creator tool to make a landing page in the form of a post card or flyer, complete with videos, images and HTML content. This is a perfect way to announce events or specials without needing to make any updates to your own website. All content is hosted on our server. You simply link to it in your SMS message.

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Appointment Reminder

Schedule and send appointment reminders to your customers ensuring they won’t forget about any upcoming appointments. Search for your contact then easily schedule an SMS to go out to them. You can create appointments, then view them either in a list format or on an appointment calendar.

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Link Shortening & Tracking

You have the option to shorten your links so they don’t take up as many characters in your text messages and also track how many clicks were made for a given link to see how effective your message was, in terms of the percent of users who clicked the link from your text message. You can see your click rate in your logs module.​


Choose Toll-Free or Local Numbers

We provide you with a toll-free number to use as your “send from” phone number. You can also provision a local area code number to use for your business. If you are sending our a hig volume of texts, you can split the load over multiple numbers to increase your throughput. You can even use an existing number that you have.​

Contact Segmentation

With our group segmenting function, you can easily create groups within your text marketing lists. This organizes your contacts into groups and allows you to keep organized all your subscribers and where they are coming from! You can then also target specific marketing messages to individual segments.​


Voice Broadcasting

First Choice provides you with an additional way to stay in contact with your customers. You can broadcast a voice message out to your contacts. Either type in a message and the system will convert the text into voice, or upload your own message via a MP3 file. Another great way to communicate and keep your contacts engaged in your offerings​

SMS to Email to SMS

you can receive email notices when someone texts in something to your online number (SMS to Email). You can then respond directly to that email from your email client, where our platform will read that email, and text them back your response (Email to SMS). A great and very useful tool!​

Capture Names and Email Addresses

You have the option to collect the name and email from a new subscriber joining your opt-in list through follow-up messages. Collecting names lets you personalize your SMS messages and emails if you want to promote to them with any email marketing campaigns that you may have.​


Contact Management

Manage your list of subscribers in our contact management module. Every new subscriber that joins a list by texting in a keyword that is setup in the system, gets added to the contact/subscriber list. Contacts can also be added by subscribing themselves via web sign-up widget, and through a digital loyalty kiosk setup at your business.

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Kiosk Builder

The digital loyalty kiosk lets you create an easy to use kiosk display by using a tablet, laptop or Chromebook. It provides your on-site customers with a user friendly display – letting them join a loyalty program, check-in to your program, and check their current status, simply by entering their phone number while at your lace of business.

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SMS Loyalty Program

You can now offer SMS “punch card” loyalty rewards to your customers and build loyalty to your brand to keep customers happy and coming back. When a specified amount of points are obtained, a reward message will be sent to that user, who can then redeem their reward. Different loyalty reward programs can be created, each having their own start and end dates, reward points and messages.

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Email Integration

If email capture is turned on, automatically add the email addresses that you capture to your favorite email service like Mailchimp, aWeber, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, or Sendinblue! All of the integrations are handled seamlessly behind the scenes.​

Referral Credits

The success of First Choice SMS is based on helping our business customers (you) get the most value from their marketing dollars. We appreciate business referrals, and show this appreciation by rewarding you with 500 message credits for each new business you refer to us. And remember, your credits never expire! We will provide you with your own referral ID once you sign up with us.​

Let’s discuss how SMS messaging can help grow your business.

PHONE: 215-480-2737

